Privacy Policy

In the digital age, safeguarding your privacy is paramount, and at Silver Touch Care, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection. To provide you with a seamless and personalized experience, our application may request certain permissions. Rest assured, your control and consent are at the forefront of our approach. In this comprehensive guide, we'll detail the permissions we may request, their purposes, and our unwavering commitment to your data security.

Permissions Overview:

Camera and File Storage: Our app may request access to your device's camera and files. This permission is essential for two main features:

Profile Picture: Granting access allows you to personalize your account with a profile picture. Document Upload: It enables you to conveniently upload documents as needed within the app. Wi-Fi/Network Connection/Network Access: To provide our app's core functionality, we may request permissions related to network access. These permissions include:

Wi-Fi: Ensures that you can connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Network Connection: Necessary for establishing and maintaining a stable network connection. Network Access: This permission allows the app to connect to the internet, enabling you to access its features and services.

Name: We use the name you provide to personalize notifications and communications, enhancing your overall user experience. This personalized approach ensures that you receive relevant and engaging messages from us.

Email ID: Your email address serves as a vital means of communication. We use it to send important messages, notifications, updates, and any other information critical to your interaction with our app. Rest assured that your email is treated with the utmost care and security.

Contact No.: Your phone number is crucial for login-related communications. It allows us to provide you with essential information, such as verification codes and login confirmations, ensuring the security of your account.

Location: In some instances, we may request access to your device's location services. This permission serves the purpose of identifying your geographical location. While this information can enhance certain app features, it is collected with your consent and used responsibly.

Phone Number: Your phone number is utilized for displaying your profile picture on the application account and digital card. This feature adds a personal touch to your interactions within the app.

Other Information: The app may collect additional information as needed to address you correctly in notifications and other communications. This data enhances the personalization of your experience, ensuring that you receive content that is relevant and engaging.

App Features - Tracking Birthdays and Holidays:

Silver Touch Care offers unique features that go beyond privacy considerations. We understand the significance of employee birthdays and holiday dates within organizational culture. Our app is equipped to seamlessly track these vital dates, ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to celebrate or plan for holidays effectively.

Employee Birthdays: Our app keeps a watchful eye on employee birthdays, making it easy for you to acknowledge and celebrate these special occasions. We understand that recognizing and celebrating birthdays can boost morale and strengthen team bonds.

Holiday Dates: In today's globalized work environment, staying informed about holidays is crucial. Our app automates holiday date tracking, ensuring that you receive timely notifications about upcoming holidays. This feature promotes better planning and coordination within your organization, regardless of your employees' diverse cultural backgrounds and locations.

User Safety and Security:

At Silver Touch Care, we hold your personal information in the highest regard, and we are dedicated to ensuring its safety and security. Your data is a precious asset, and we are committed to treating it with the utmost care and responsibility.

Data Usage: Your data is never shared, sold, or rented to any third party. We operate under strict guidelines to ensure that your information is used exclusively for the functionality of the app and related features and services. We do not engage in any practices that compromise your privacy or data security.

Transparency and Control: We believe in transparency and empowering you with control over your data. Our permissions request system is designed to provide you with choices. You have the freedom to grant or deny specific permissions, allowing you to tailor your app experience to your preferences.

In conclusion, Silver Touch Care places your privacy at the forefront of our operations. We request permissions with your best interests in mind, striving to enhance your app experience while respecting your control and consent. Your data is safeguarded with unwavering commitment, and you can trust that we will always prioritize your security and privacy, all while ensuring you never miss a birthday celebration or an important holiday. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data usage or if you would like to delete your account, please write to us on below email from registered email id. Contact email(